Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where have I been?

Okay, I've been avoiding my blog. I admit it.

You may recall that I was very excited to be trying out a produce subscription from a local farmer. I promised to give updates, and to let folks know how it all works.

Well, it's August now and I am sad to say that the CSA was cancelled. We received produce for a few weeks, including potatoes, fresh herbs, mung beans, eggs, and weekly newsletters & recipes. Unfortunately, the fates seemed to be conspiring against our farmer. She suffered with health problems that pretty much took her out of commission and then the pond pump went and couldn't be replaced for a couple of months.

I haven't wanted to write about this experience, because it's just been so bad. From my perspective, knowing so little of the facts, it's hard not to point a finger and wonder why there weren't better backup plans in place. I understood that subscribing equaled sharing the risk with the farmer, so it is so hard to comprehend that our subscription was just outright canceled & refunded. It seems to me that there were so many things that could have been done better - but I know that hindsight is always 20/20.

This is why I've been so silent - I didn't want to give the blow-by-blow on the situation. I don't think that would have been fair to the farmer, who was just trying her best.

I don't know that I'll be signing up with another farm any time in the near future. I am saddened at how this has set back the CSA movement in our area, as I am certain it has made the other farmers shy away from going in that direction. I stopped at a farm stand yesterday and asked the farmers if they offered or knew of anyone offering subscriptions. None of them did, and they gave the impression that being at the whims of mother nature made it difficult for them to consider this path.

On a happy note - that farm stand was a great find! It's in Toano, across from the fire department (they built it earlier this summer - thanks!!!). If you're looking for some nice fresh produce, stop by sometime.

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