Friday, March 27, 2009

My Light Switch is My Vote

I'm getting ready for Earth Hour, when everyone can vote earth by turning off their lights for one hour. Tomorrow - that's Saturday, 28 March 2009 - at 8:30pm local time, we're hoping that a billion people will join in and help fight global warming. The results of the movement will be presented to world leaders at the upcoming Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

Earth Hour started two years ago, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. This made a big splash, and by the next year the message had spread globally, with 50 million people switching off their lights.

Tomorrow night at 8:30 I'll be at a dinner party. I'm making sure our office is powered down as well as my home, and am hoping to get my friend Marian to break out the candles. Please consider taking the pledge and joining us.

I am just one person, and I can make a difference. So can you.

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